Hauled out!
Finally it was time for us to haul out Anne-Mon for the first time. Winter season in Sweden is over and most boat that been on the hard is now in the water which means a lot of free space for us. Finding a winter spot close to central Stockholm is not very easy for a bigger boat and one of the reasons we’ve been in the water over winter. Anne-Mon has was last hauled out about 5-6 years ago, so we were pretty nervous to what we would find underneath the waterline… To our surprise, the hull looked so much better than we expected. There is a bit of…
New mainsheet traveler (and some other stuff)
During the weekend we have done some work on the boat, we have attached a new mainsheet traveler, the last solar panels and some other small tasks. The first thing we did was to glue the final solar panels in position, we glued them on using marine sealant. With the 2 final ones we now have 5 solar panels in total. They are specified to 60W each, which gives 300W in total. On a good day they will probably give 200W, because of shadowing etc. Next up was to attach a new mainsheet traveler we have bought second hand. The solution on our sailboat from before was that the mainsheet…
Our solution to reef the main sail
We have mentioned earlier that we hadn’t a good way to reef the main sail and that was something we wanted to fix. Our boom can be rolled, so it can be used to reef the mainsail using a rolling reefing, it is an old way of reefing and what we have read it doesn’t seem to be very good since it changes the shape of the sails. With a rolling reef system we can’t have a kick for the boom either. We choose to go with a reef line solution, and for that we needed some improvements. For our reefing solution we will have a hook at the gooseneck,…
Mast track gate improvements
Last weekend we didn’t only work with the fresh water system (see previous post). We also worked a with fixing a mast track gate on the main mast, continued with the electrical system and other small jobs. One thing we wanted to fix was an opening we had in the track on the main mast. The opening used when removing/inserting the slides. We haven’t found a piece on the boat that fits here so we decided to make one our own, by bending a sheet of aluminum. Some of the screws for the windows on the boat have some pretty sharp edges which we wanted fixed. They can easily damage…
Fixing our fresh water system
During the weekend we worked on the boat, and next up on the to-do list was to get the fresh water on our sailboat up and running. We had started last weekend to change some hoses and when all of them were changed it was time to fill up the tanks. Since we can’t fill up water where we have the boat right now we took a little sailing trip to find water. We sailed to Stavsnäs, had some lunch and filled up the tanks. Before filling up the tanks we added a couple of pills that would get rid of any bacteria growing in the tanks. These pills should…