• Finding caves in Antigua

    April 3-April 13, 2021 After almost two weeks at Barbuda we left and headed back to Antigua. Our plan at that time was to spend a couple of more days in Antigua and then sail to Guadelope. But France closed their borders, which meant so did Guadelope (which is a part of France). We still planned to stay a few more days in Antigua but now we had to find another island to sail to before we should start our crossing back to Europe. But more on that later. When arriving to Antigua once more we sailed back to Jolly Harbor and stayed in the marina over the Easter holidays.…

  • Hurricane damage hotel, Frigate Birds and sink hole

    March 30-April 3, 2021 After a quite long time at the southern part of Barbuda we sailed up to Low bay, a bit up along the west coast. The beach on the west coast was once the 17 mile beach but after the hurricane Irma the part of the beach disappeared and opened up an entrance into the Codrington lagoon. At the bach there used the be a hotel that was now very much destroyed after the hurricane. One day we took a guided tour to the Frigate Bird Sanctuary, which was really cool. Being at the sanctuary felt like being in a Planet Earth episode. The birds are very…

  • Off to the island with the most spectacular beaches!

    March 19-26, 2021 After one night in the marina we set sail up towards Barbuda, which we heard so much good about. It was quite a close-hauled sail up but otherwise a fine sail. We arrived to Cocoa point at Barbuda one hour before sunset and got our first view of the magical beach at Cocoa point, on top of the beautiful beach we also saw a couple of horses walking in the water at sunset. At Barbuda both horses and donkeys roam freely and during our stay at Barbuda we saw several of them. After a few days at Cocoa Point we continued to a new anchorage at Barbuda,…

  • Towards a new country – Antigua and Barbuda

    March 14-19, 2021 After a month in Dominica it was time to sail to the next country, which for us would be Antigua and Barbuda. Before leaving Dominica we took an exit test which was necessary to enter Antigua and Barbuda. The sail from Dominica to Antigua was very calm, it was not much wind during the sail and behind Guadelope the wind died out completely so we out on the engine for a while. We arrived to Antigua just before lunch and went to do the check-in procedure. It was no quarantine needed for us and once we had all the paperwork done we took a walk around English…