Atlantic Circuit,  Caribbean

Wonderful days in Bequia

January 10-13, 2021

After we got released from our short quarantine at Young Island Cut we sailed down to Bequia. It is a very short sail, which was quite nice after our long sail across the Atlantic. When we sailed down we thought we should try to have the dinghy on a rope after the boat (with no engine on it of course). Just when we hoisted the sails we heard the rope snap and saw our dinghy upside down behind us. Our dinghy is very small and light so when the wind caught us it got turned upside down and dove into the sea. Fortunately it was the rope attached to the dinghy that snapped and not one of the attachments on the dinghy. We took down the sails and motored back to save our dinghy and put it up on deck for the remainder of the sail down to Bequia.

Dingy rescue mission.

The rest of the sail went without any trouble, we sailed quite fast all the way down (between 6 and 7 knots). We anchored in the huge Admiral Bay outside Princess Margaret Beach. After we felt sure that the anchor was properly stuck (we dove and checked on it) we went ashore for some rum punch and ice cream.

We walked and checked the beach and then we took a walk into the town, Port Elizabeth, to check it out.

Princess Margaret beach

Epoxi in rum bottles in the boatshop in Bequia – welcome to the Caribbean!
A walk up to one of the hills on Bequia.
Cows up on the hill on Bequia.

The first days in Bequia we took a walk up to one of the hills, hang out with people, drank quite some rum and beers and just had a really good time. Both the locals and the other cruisers we met here have been really, really nice.

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