Weekend work
Another weekend has passed filled with boatwork, and we got a bunch of different stuff done.
First on the agenda for the weekend was to prepare a cover for the winter. This year we will cover the entire boat since we still have some leakages in the deck. We want as little water inside the hull as possible so that it doesn’t freeze and crack during winter.

We also filled up the holding tank with water to test leakages, better to do leakage test with sea water instead of black water. 😉 We let it be overnight and no leakages were found! So now we can continue with the final installation for the holding tank, read more about our holding tank installation in our previous post or by clicking HERE.
Thomas also worked a lot with the 230V electrical system, which we will use we we are connected in land or run the generator. We will write more about our 230V system in a separate post soon.
While Thomas worked with the electrical system Petra continued the fight against all styrofoam glued onto the hull. It is styrofoam on every hull surface and they have spared no expense on the glue holding it in position. During the years a lot of moist has gathered between the hull and the styrofoam, which smells a lot and has made the hull pretty dirty.

As we are heading for the tropics the extra insulation (which is much anyway on our thick sandwich hull, since it’s only 1 cm layer styrofoam) is not something we need. We will remove all of it, clean the inside of the hull and put up a much nicer surface. We are really excited about this, it will be such an improvement. We will dress the hull in mahogany wood liners on the vertical angles and and fake leather/fabric as headliner on the horizontal places were it has been styrofoam before. On the places that is not visible, storage places etc, we will just make a more thorough cleaning.
We also had some good condition (barely no wind and no rain) so we could test hoisting our “new” (second hand) furling genoa we bought. It is much bigger than the once we have previously sailed with, but they have been to small for us. According to the drawings we have of the sailboat this is the size for a genoa we actually should have. It is also UV-protected, which is good.
The upcoming days we will continue with the final installation of the holding tank and the 230V system and also continue getting rid of styrofoam and clean the hull.