Atlantic Circuit,  Caribbean,  Paperwork

Waiting for test results at Young Island

January 5-10, 2021

After our Atlantic crossing we arrived to Young Island Cut on the southern tip of St Vincent. We arrived early afternoon and because of covid-19 we would need to take a PCR-test before we could do the check-in process. Before our crossing we contacted the authorities in Saint Vincent & the Grenadines with approximate dates of our arrival. When we were a couple of days from St Vincent we contacted them again and booked a time to take our PCR tests, which was the morning after our arrival. To make things easier for our arrival we took our temperature everyday during the crossing.

So, when we had anchored at our mooring buoy in the quarantine area we took a well deserved swim by the boat and drank some champagne. After that we launched our dinghy so we could take it ashore the following day to take the tests. We also got some fruit and vegetables delivered to us by the guy in charge of the mooring buoy, probably the most expensive fruit and vegetables one could ever buy… We should really have asked what the price would be before we ordered them. If we knew the price beforehand we would have waited until we could go ashore to buy some fresh food. But of course it was nice to eat some fresh stuff again 🙂

Our quarantine view.

We went ashore to take our tests (with no sea-legs at all, must be a myth 😉 ) and had to wait for a while. That was not a big problem since there was Wi-Fi outside the test building. Felt nice to catch up with the world for a while. We also got confirmed that we wouldn’t need any further quarantine other than to wait for our test results, which would take around 72 hours.

Waking to the test area.
Anne-Mon moored in quarantine area.
Clear water in Young Island Cut.
Waiting to take our test results.

We spent three days on the boat, swimming, eating good food, cleaning the boat, practicing free-diving on the mooring buoy and just relaxing. We got our test results on a Saturday so we had to pay a small overtime fee to do the check-in, which we thought was worth it since we wanted to go ashore and explore.

And when we finally got our passports we took a walk around St Vincent, and had some dinner at a restaurant near Young Island Cut. The following day we went snorkeling around Young Island and took a hike up to Fort Duvernette, which was a really cool place. We ate picnic on the top with a nice view of Bequia.

A beach on St Vincent.
A hike up to Fort Duvernette, amazing water color.

After this small excursion we prepared for a sail down to Bequia.

Video from what we did in quarantine and our first days in St Vincent and the Grenadines. English subtitles can be activated for all our videos.



  • E P

    When ever you visit St.vincent you will always be welcome on the island or with something about the fruit it should n’t be so expensive because we have a lot of fruit in the country when ever a tourist visit show love to them as we a custom too let them feel welcome to beautiful St.vincent and the grenadines thank you and they will have good things to say about us

  • Theresa

    Welcome to SVG! Young Island is fantastic. About the fruits, the costs included the round trip taxi to the supermarket, so those will be some expensive fruits. Hope you eat them with a smile.
    100% Vincy

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