The mast stepping
The time had finally come to do the mast stepping! 🙂 If you want to read more about our rig, see our blog posts about the rig HERE. Before starting the mast stepping we had to do some final preparations before getting started. We had to mount the windex, change to LED-bulbs in the lanterns, mount the new electrical horn we bought and do a final check of the masts to make sure everything looked good.
When we felt satisfied with the masts it was time for the mast stepping. We had some friends with us to help during the process, since we never done this before and since we have a keel-stepped main mast it is good to have a person below deck to get it into position.
We connected the rig so that the mast would stand in position and then we started to trim the masts the following day.
By having the masts rigged our adventure feels closer than ever (read more about our plans HERE) and soon we will be able to test sailing her for the first time! 😀
But first we need to finish the plastic work in the cockpit, which we had to put on hold for a while due to cold weather. We have been sanding, adding putty, sanding, adding putty for a long time and we are really close to add the final layer of topcoat in the cockpit.