Atlantic Circuit,  Atlantic Europe & Africa,  Sailing

Refill gas bottles in Canary Islands (Lanzarote)

November 18-24, 2020

As it is not always obvious where to fill gas bottles we will in this post share where at the Canary Islands (Lanzarote) we could refill our gas bottles, see a bit lower down in the post to read about that.

We stayed at La Graciosa four nights before we continued to Lanzarote. It was a pretty calm day and we sailed slowly along the coast of Lanzarote. It was nice to not be in a hurry, it wasn’t a long sail and we could chill in the sun.

We arrived to Marina Lanzarote near Arrecife in the afternoon and in the evening we met up with sailboat Sofia and had a nice evening with them.The following day we were invited to a pool and barbecue party with Svala and Freyja. It was a night full drinks, food, singing and dancing. Really fun!

Walking home from the pool party the day after through Arrecife.

The rest of our time in Arrecife we spent working on the boat and preparing for the upcoming sail to Cape Verde and then the Atlantic Crossing. We did a big engine service; oil change, impeller change, water separators in diesel filters emptied, bottom of fuel tanks emptied, gearbox oil changed, went to IKEA to buy some Swedish Christmas food, bought a lot of other food and found a place where we could refill our gas bottles.

The place we found where located here and was a kind of plant for the fuel station company Disa. When we drove in it didn’t exactly feel like it was a place that individuals would go, but we walked into their office and asked and first they said no, but then asked another person who said it was possible. We waited around 15 minutes and paid about 15€ for two 5kg bottles. The coordinates for where we refilled our gas bottles is: 28.977608;-13.520648. We have a kind of composite bottles that are common in Sweden. The connection has left hand threads.

Refill gas bottles in canary islands
The entrance to the Disa plant where we could refill our gas bottles. It was nice to find a place at the Canary Islands that was not Las Palmas where it was possible to refill the gas bottles.

refill gas bottles in canary islands

refill gas bottles in canary islands
The office where we asked if it was possible to refill the gas bottles
refill gas bottes canary islands
Gas bottles finally refilled! 🙂
The other jobs we got done at Lanzarote; engine maintenance.
Changing impeller.

refill gas bottles in canary islands

refill gas bottles in canary islands
A visit to…
…IKEA to buy some homey stuff and Swedish Christmas food!
And when at IKEA one must eat the meatballs 🙂
Some Swedish Christmas food (herring, salmon, ginger bread and glögg) and a bag of licorice!

We also went to the boat store nearby several times to get other small stuff we needed. We constantly have some small projects we want to do to make life aboard the boat easier and also small things breaks, which we need to fix. But we have an old boat so it will always be a lot of work that needs to be done.

The last day we had a car rented (to refill the gas bottles) so we also took a break from all work to see a bit more of Lanzarote. We drove to the volcanic area and to the west coast.

We got one afternoon off boatwork to do some exploring of Lnazarote 🙂 Here at the volvanic national parc Timafalga; a natural barbeque!
refill gas bottles in canary islands
Cool volcanic landscape!
A crater.
Fire started in a pit simply by the heat of the earth.
After Timanfalga we drove to the west coast to see a green lake.

Playa Papagayo was our next visit.
We sat down at the beach bar nearby for a drink and to watch the sunset.

Here is a video from our time visiting the Canary Islands; La Graciosa, Lanzarote and Gran Canaria. We speak Swedish in our videos, but all our videos have English subtitles you can activate. All our YouTube videos can be found under Youtube videos.

NEWS UPDATE: We have bought a new boat, a Wasa 530. Read more about it on this page: The Boat – Anne-Mon II.

Our new sailboat is in need of some upgrades and renovations as it has been standing for 10+ years. We will post all the boatwork we do on Anne-Mon II on our YouTube channel:

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