Off to the island with the most spectacular beaches!
March 19-26, 2021
After one night in the marina we set sail up towards Barbuda, which we heard so much good about. It was quite a close-hauled sail up but otherwise a fine sail. We arrived to Cocoa point at Barbuda one hour before sunset and got our first view of the magical beach at Cocoa point, on top of the beautiful beach we also saw a couple of horses walking in the water at sunset. At Barbuda both horses and donkeys roam freely and during our stay at Barbuda we saw several of them.
After a few days at Cocoa Point we continued to a new anchorage at Barbuda, this time White Bay by Spanish Point. The entrance to White Bay was a bit tricky with a lot of reefs but we managed to get into the anchorage safely. The water in White Bay was very clear and it was like snorkeling in an aquarium. At White Bay we stay for another couple of days, we snorkeled a lot and took a walk and explored the more rugged east coast of Barbuda.
After White Bay we sailed back to Cocoa Point and stayed there for some more days, we had more beach time and had a lobster bbq.
Video from our time at beautiful Barbuda: