Electrical installation for the engine
Weekend and Saturday meant working with the boat, and most of the day we worked with the electrical installation for the engine. Our goal with the electrical system overhaul right now is to get the electrics around the engine to work. The rest of the system will we go over thoroughly later on.
We also worked a little bit with preparing the cockpit. Hopefully it will get warmer soon and we will be able to continue with the plastic repairs.
Next up will be to continue with the electrical system and move the boat from its winter location. If you are interested in reading more about our electrical systems all posts related to that can be found under the tag Electrical System. All posts related to our renovation can be found under the category Renovation.
Now it is Monday and time to eat dinner and watch the latest Game of Thrones episode! We will add a new post tomorrow about the work we did yesterday, when we moved the boat, had some alternator issue and started to get rid of some stuff. 🙂