Another leakage found…
Last weekend when we, as usual, were at the boat working we noticed a new place with rotten wood and apparently a leakage from above. We found it when we were removing styrofoam in our aft cabin (see The Boat to see an overview of of our boat). This rot is underneath one of the seats in the cockpit an dour guess is that it is a leak in one of the storage hatches in the cockpit (were we didn’t add any new plastic during our big plastic repair job). But, this is something we will have to do later in the spring. Yet another thing on the to-do list…
But, of course we are glad that we remove the styrofoam so that we find these things and can do something about it before we leave. We are also really glad that our sandwich hull does not have a wooden core (it is only above the waterline we have some places were there is a wooden core).
But some good news is that we are almost completely finished with setting up all mahogany! 🙂 And it looks so good, Thomas has been very thorough and it really shows. We have also started preparing for setting up som kind of roof panels, which will make our boat look even more fancy. We also plan to set up some LED-lists to put some light on our new hull and to get more light in the boat.
So soon we will be able to show some really amazing before and after pictures. We have also made a slight change of plan when it comes to our sailing route, but more about that soon as well.
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